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Author: Harold Nixon
Act of Contrition – Harold Mixtape Edition
My dearest Lord,I’m truly sorry for offending you and I detest all my sins, both known and unknown, not only because I fear the loss of eternal life and the pains of Hell, but because I’ve offended you who art love incarnate and all deserving of my love.I firmly resolve to confess my sins, do…
For Bands: Ten Tips for Getting Ready for a Recording Session
Preparing for a recording session requires more than just musical skill; it involves careful planning, mental preparation, and attention to detail. Here are ten tips to help you make the most of your time in the studio and ensure a successful recording session. 1. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse Make sure you know your material inside and…
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Cockpit – Mark I
So this is my ghetto sim cockpit… So 2x4s, MFD, 4 casters, Plywood, old copper water lines (from under my sink) and a Nissan Quest van seat. I plan to make it look nicer at some point- but it is comfortable and effective. I have my x-55 HOTAS, CH Pro Pedals, Oculus Rift CV1, and…
A New Chapter
UPDATE 2: Our Time in McKee has come to a close. We’re thankful for the time we’ve had and the folks we’ve meet! We are definitely happy to be back in Winchester near our family and old friends. Update 1: We have been here 6~ish months. It’s hard to imagine I’d be here 10 years…
What Does A Compressor Do?
Compression effects the audio content’s dynamic range. What do I mean buy dynamic range…well it’s the distance between the “louds and “softs”. A compressor changes that ratio. Lets say you have a bass track where the playing is very uneven- LOUD soft LOUD soft…etc. A compressor could be used to to help even up the…